That CONSCIOUS of the pagan celebration of the day ( Lammas / Lughnasadh ), is class is ancient, this beer bread oven and fill your house of wealth and the goodness of midsummer.
Crunchy on the outside and light inside, gives off a wonderful aroma barbaric dark beer festival.

you need:
- 300gr.
wheat flour - 200 gr. bread flour (or if you want a fully integrated, you know)
- A bar of fresh bakery yeast (for 500g. of flour)
- 1 bottle (330ml) of stout
- A couple of tablespoons of molasses
cane - Sal
baker Procedure common to all bread in the entire universe:

- First first and you must prepare the dough, which may seem mysterious baker, but not something that one does not can do at home, in a simpler form. In this case it is simply dissolve beer yeast with slightly warmed, a pinch of salt (not all going to use for bread) a hint of molasses and 50g. of flour to be used for bread.
- Leave the mixture overnight in a warm place (if winter)
- Once you have them ready, add the remaining flour, and salt, and knead thoroughly for 5-10 minutes ensuring that the thing is nice and smooth.
- Make ball and leave in large bowl and covered with plastic wrap until you have at least doubled in size. In summer you have to do 1-2 hours while in winter, would have to see how much is heating.
- Knead again and shape the bread as more you like. As we sadly have a tiny oven, which settled to the plate as best we could. Do not forget to put at the bottom of baking paper.
- Let stand again until double or triple. The more you increase the lighter crumb.
- Bake at 200 ยบ C until browning the surface and let cool completely before cutting and devouring.

This our us was very light and fluffy. Wonder Bread!