- It's amazing how it works Federico Uribe. Is capable of accumulating art pencils ('Pencilism'), sculptures with thousands of wood shavings ('Animal Farm') or screws ('Everybody Gets Screwed') or even pictures with shoelaces ('Shoe Laces' ), among other things.
- English artist Max Riera promises an interesting series of animal-shaped chairs. The first is octopus chair.
- Poetic, sad lesson about life and time in video form Animation: "A tour de manege ."
- For Tarantino's latest film, 'Inglourious Basterds ', various artists displayed their talents in alternative poster form.

- Peter Crawley overboard their artwork. Literally. The black wire does on paper.
- Anatomy of a pregnancy with illustrations from a book of 1626.
- TinPaper gives you paper toys to cut and assemble with all the flavor of old tin toys.
- Can you imagine an apartment lined with 25000 ping pong balls? This is how I have this loft in Brooklyn.
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