Grandma's remedies for colds and flus If you have a cold or the flu (like us) is that it has done something wrong (just like us)
And is that clear, a Santa Barbara remembers when it thunders, and do terrible things when he is bored.
must say, first of all, the cold / flu is most easily avoided, making the cold to do, and much that we may get infected. Eat well every day (ie, healthy, varied, at a good time without breaking but eager) makes us strong and active, resistant to all these types of diseases, "once a year"
may dietitian paezca a sermon but it is the greatest truth, and to test a servant: A non- is costipó in 5 consecutive years when I was thin, this year being fat (this is the result of eating poorly for months): 1 flu dreadful and after 2 months a terrible cold. Well?
autosermón Once pasted, let remedies, that's about it.
These are generally those having a hand in their day to day, and they are really "drug" natural. That itchy, cures.
Garlic: garlic pills
to exist for the whiners.
Garlic is a great antibiotic, and help for respiratory problems and so on. It is important to take oil to exploit these properties. The idea Chafer and cut it into small pieces so that we can swallow it with water, without a mask.
(Garlic, a natural medicine. YEAHHH!)
The basic of the basics! What interests us here is the onion juice. You can take it as is if he is brave, or mixed with water, or just eating raw onions (with bread is great)
can also make an interesting onion syrup not much to dislike children FOLLOW: chopped or sliced \u200b\u200bonion into rings mixed with honey and a couple of tablespoons of water in a bottle let marinate. It drains well and the resulting juice is taken as a cough syrup, during the day and especially before bedtime.
curious Another way is to cut the onion and leave on the bedside table, so that at rest inhale its vapors. Actually works to relieve cough and congestion!
In infusion: prepare a chamomile with honey and add the onion juice. Take hot.
(lots of onions, lots of art)
to see what will cook the ginger as well as a demon and smell of cologne! Relieves fever, and works as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, in addition to relieving congestion. On the other hand, gives a contribution of extra heat and internal energy, which helps mobilize at the time of decay.
To drink, the best thing is a slight infusion grated raw. Use for this garlic grater to leave no lumps and it can dissolve quite well in hot or warm water, add lemon and sweeten with honey.
can also make an infusion of spices, ginger cut in small cubes and add cinnamon, anise, cloves etc. and sweetened with honey. With the help of these other species get ginger to alleviate the itching if it is not very pleased.
(ginger: ginger butt)
Honey: As you have seen, in almost all the ideas we have given appears honey. It is beneficial to relieve cough and to treat sore throat. It is also a sweetener that gives us instant energy not as aggressive as the white sugar (which tends to weaken) The darker the honey, more concentration of ownership has.
(honey, poor task ...)
Citrus Vitamin C:
honey and lemon, orange juice ... It's the first thing you think when you start getting bad in the cold. Vitamin C does not have to help one to cure a cold or the flu. The lack of vitamins and a weakening of the immune system in general (poor diet) are the agents that allow the passage to infections of this type.
carefully every day to make the necessary contribution of each food enough to keep sanotes to spare. That is why when we fall ill again becoming aware of our food, and cebarnos of these foods may have been left aside, like fruits and vegetables.
Touching the issue of what to eat:
In the days of cold / flu the body needs to focus its energies on "fighting the enemy" This is why heavy or unbalanced food will do nothing to delay the healing process. Cravings, "you have to eat too much you're unwell" are not valid. It is best to always stay in bed, doing a liquid diet or semi-liquid, based on juices and soups.
If you can not keep the rest, always light foods, soups, creams, whole grains and no artificial ingredients or less fat and animal.
So you know, the slightest sign a good shot of something strong field and the bed!