Who has not ever tried the ramen that so cheap, so delicious, so desirable and so requeteartificial?
This time we dare to make a good bowl of ramen at home, too, has little to envy to the package, and also to be more healthy, it allows a good portion of creativity!

Here then, the ingredients for this case:
- thin ramen noodles: therein lies the success of your business. You can use obviously the preferred type of noodles: udon, soba or rice, but we will recommend the ramen, of course.
- vegetable soup, you can do at home, or use of rangelands.
- A tablespoon (or according to taste) of miso.
- wakame seaweed (or other type of algae that you like)
- shiitake mushrooms (fresh or dried)
Sesame Seeds - Sesame oil (few drops)
chives - optional - vegetables such as leek, carrot , pepper, bean sprouts
- soy sauce to taste.
how it goes:
- Drink at least a pint of water or broth per 100 grams of pasta.
- If you use vegetables rehógelas first. Shiitake mushrooms the same way.
- Bring the broth to a boil add the vegetables and cook pasta in it.
- When pasta is something harsher than al dente, turn off the heat, add the wakame seaweed, and season with soy sauce. Let stand covered for about 3 minutes minutes or until pasta is cooked as you like.
- When the heat has gone down, enter the miso.
- Just before serving, sprinkle with chopped chives, some seeds aromatize toasted sesame seeds and a few drops of sesame oil.
- Done already have a great and comforting bowl of ramen!

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