hours to feed the body naturally good autumn What the body really asks every hour of the day?
Obviously, we are naturalized: we have any kind of food (not food, many times) at hand and minimal effort, sleepless nights and after-hours, distribute meals etc. connected to other necessities. Only
can a person buy a real health, adjusting back to nature to which it belongs. Everything out of context and without a real sense physiological and seasonal, is not imposed more than a diet that will ultimately make us despair or lose your balance.
Here is a list and explanation of the biological clock, naturally conceived human being, and around which fits each type of food to nourish us in time, as is the law. Out of fashionable patterns and bullshit "Light" or "fitness"
From sunrise to noon (approx 12h)
This is the part of day, in which the body is purging itself of the previous day's intake and spending what is stored, there was no waste. Is also the time of preparation and regeneration of the digestive tract.
This is the perfect time of day to drink "sweet" of the day. We will need almost more than the breakfast, because the body is low-carb everything. Notice how the only thing that can work to our brain are carbohydrates. That is why in the morning, these are essential to provide quick energy to the brain and not have to hand made of proteins our cuepo. Food
- Fruit, essential. In part or in juice. Too dry.
- vegetable milks such as soy / oat / rice / almond
- pasta or other cereal preparations, cornflakes, bread, biscuits
Ojo fact: cakes and pastries are high in fat and more than Healthy bring you the quick energy you need, you will feel heavy.
Refranillo Sabiondo: With an empty belly shows no joy.
From noon to 7 at the latest
During this time the body asks the fuel of the day. The body has its greatest activity physics during these times of day, is also the ideal time to cook and provide the body what it needs most in 2 doses: the lunch and dinner.
- The food / lunch-is, without further complicating the most important meal after breakfast. Should be done from 12 to 2 at the latest, or at least that's the right time (like it or not the Mediterranean) in the food, the body is done with complex carbohydrates, fats and other nutrients to maintain the rite throughout the day. Food
- grain to be, grain pasta, rice, breads. Or not combined with legumes, such as passenger
- vegetables, which not only provide vitamins, minerals and fiber, but also a small amount of carbohydrate.
- nuts and seeds
Refranillo Sabiondo: A big scoop pa 'suppress hunger
Dinner: Dinner is nothing that complement the food, which leaves the body supplied with nutrients necessary to next day. From 6 to 7 the body experiences a significant downturn in energy, and that's the best time for dinner. I repeat, we like it or not the Mediterranean. During the night, processed protein and minerals is indisputable that the food for dinner are:
- vegetable proteins: such as preparations of vegetables (tofu, TVP) or simply cooked vegetables. It is not advisable to abuse the nuts in this time of day, although they contain good proteins, is also very fat. Pulses can be combined, obviously, with carbohydrates, but less so.
- vegetables and mushrooms, as many as will fit
Refranillo Sabiondo: Dinner early if you want to get old.
From dusk to dawn, the body rests and internal organs "do their homework" day. The proteins perform their function "constructive" during night, just to repair tissues and form new ones (hair, nails etc.)
is why during the night is not advisable to have slow digestion, much less rich in fat (as it will tend to assimilate them, as the name implies), sugars (most likely prevent us, relax)
Still, if we are hungry for a while before bed, we take soft foods at the same time, help us sleep. One example is oats, which can take the form of liquefied milk or raw grain, with all its properties intact, and that by its constitution, will help us have a soft and well digested overnight, without feeling their hunger for carbohydrates.
Refranillo Sabiondo: Go to bed without supper and arise without debt.