Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Does It Mean To Have A Flat Foot

Rotman: The mashed potato and Swedish turnip vegan pumpkin muffins

This is undoubtedly one of those old recipes that slowly away like many other traditions in Europe today. The dish comfort of her grandmother, of times per week, basic nourishment, easy, cheap and healthy:
enriched mashed potato and carrot rutabaga! And no butter! (No, not kidding or invention of ours, has no butter or anything like that like mashed potatoes)

Potatoes - Carrots
- Rutabaga (percentages are in order, but of course vary to taste)
- Vegetable broth
jamaica pepper - white pepper (or you like)
- Ginger (optional)
- Onion (optional)


- Sauté onion
- boil in salted water until tender.
- chopped in the food mill adding vegetable broth until desired texture.
- Season
- Ya.

humble us return to the classic dish of mother earth! Call it


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