Tan Mediterranean as a tomato with a splash of olive oil and as comforting as a bowl of good pasta grandmother.
There is a pasta salad tastier and cheaper than this.
Try it at home and you'll see them right to Laskaponia witches.
sooo weird and expensive ingredients:
ripe tomatoes -
Onion - Garlic
Parsley - Olive oil
- Wine vinegar
- Fried tomato
- Paste colors more grace so that you do
- Vegetables cooked to have around. We have put black beans because we are very sinister.
Ask Grandma:
- Cook pasta to taste. We recommend that you add more salt than normal water and then the paste is rinsed with water and a couple of times until it cools.
- Remove the stock and seed tomatoes and cut into cubes.
- Slice the onion very fine and grate with a grater garlic garlic / ginger (aha aha!)
- Cut the parsley making it a tight ball (truki)
- first Mix the vegetables with the dressing and then add the pasta .
- Enter also a bit of tomato sauce and mix well.
- very much Cool and serve with contentment.

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